This is the first thing out of Leos mouth every morning. If he wakes up at 5 or 7 the first thing he always asks is “Momma whats for tomorrow?” Tomorrow, this time is his birthday, he turns 5 and gets to have friends and family have ice cream with him at our favorite ice cream “store”

This morning he flew, like faster than the speed of light flew out of his bedroom, naked and needing to go pee with a GIANT smile on his face:


“well bud, it’s your”

“ITS MY BURTHDAY!!!!! why I gonna be 5 mommma, my burfday at the icecreamstore? wif my fwiends? and da minions? momma? TOOOO MORROOOWWWWWW??????? THATS CRAZY!”

Totally dude, it’s totally crazy. These past 5 years have seemed to move so dang fast with a learning curve the size of sun. My excitement today comes from his realization of time, and dates and the progression of both. Last year we talked for a week about his birthday. He had tutors that made his birthday week so special and then we capped it off with a party and Spiderman.

This year I told him about his birthday party about a month ago. He’s been asking the date, looking at our giant fridge calendar and counting to the square very boldly labeled “LEO IS 5”. About a month ago I got him to tell me why he needs to know what tomorrow is and what it is going to bring. He told me he gets scared if he doesn’t know. Usually we have a 10-20 minute long conversation every morning about what tomorrow is, what today is, what we are doing today and tomorrow. I’ve thought about bringing back his visual schedule, but I love how this instigates a conversation and he has to stop and think. If we’ve already talked about it 2 times I tell him I am all done but he can tell me what we are up to today and tomorrow, and he usually recalls it all pretty spot on.

So today, on the eve of his BURFDAY I’m sure the entire world will be told tomorrow is his day, that he is going to be 5 and that he is so excited. And he should be, because he is pretty amazing.

